01508 532356 | strattonautos@live.co.uk
  •   Our Services

    Our Services



Stratton Auto Services has the latest diagnostic tools that are needed to work on today’s technically advanced vehicles, be it engine or electronic diagnostic, four wheel laser alignment, air conditioning diagnostic and repairs or any of the multitude of electronic systems that are fitted to today’s vehicles be it cars vans or light commercials.

We also try to keep extremely competitive in the tyre and exhaust market, any quotes you have from another garage or fast fit outlet give us a ring and we will try our hardest to better them.



Some of our customers express concerns to us about servicing newer vehicles still within the manufaturers warranty period as to whether their warranty will still be valid, but we can assure all customers past, present and future that we use either original manufacturers parts or original equipment standard parts for servicing on vehicles still within the warranty period. Under block exemption laws this assures that the terms for the warranty are met, therefore retaining the original warranty. All this means that you can safely have your car serviced with us to main dealer specifications, and save some money on main dealers prices, secure in the knowledge your warranty is intact.

MOT Testing Station

MOT Testing Station

Stratton Auto Services is a DVSA approved MOT testing station and we carry out MOT tests six days a week by appointment. Of course if your car unfortunately fails the MOT test we can carry out all repairs quickly and cost effectively to get you back on the road safely as soon as possible. As well as MOT tests and repairs we also carry out general servicing to all makes of vehicles, we have an extensive list of suppliers for parts and can usually have spare parts or service items to hand within hours, all at competitive prices.
